Option 1

Ongoing Financial Planning

Life changes all the time. And when life changes, your finances change too. Ongoing Financial Planning is designed to guide you through those big transitions, making sure you have the information you need to make the right financial decisions at every step along the way.

Should you focus on paying off your student loans or saving for a house? What about moonlighting through fellowship? How do you manage a 4x salary increase after signing an attending contract? Are you saving enough for retirement? How are you going to pay for college? Are there ways to minimize your taxes? Do you have the right amount of disability insurance?

I help you proactively manage these transitions and many more.

Hiring a financial planner is a daunting task. It doesn’t help that the whole idea of “financial planning” feels abstract and intangible.

Hopefully this overview of Ongoing Financial Planning adds some concreteness to your expectations.

  1. Let's start with that urgent, pressing issue. Chances are, you didn’t wake up one day and decide to look for a financial planner. There was a trigger, maybe a job change or upcoming birth of a child, that prompted a closer look at your finances. We start there.
  2. We meet (at least) seven times during the first year. Now that you have a sense of calm around that pressing question, we dive into your goals, values, and vision of the ideal life. By the end of Meeting 4, you’ll have an operating cash flow system, written (concise!) financial plan, and list of actionable to-dos. The remaining meetings in Year 1 focus on implementing your plan and exploring specific financial areas most relevant to you.
  3. We stay at it. We’ll accomplish a lot in Year 1. But our work won’t stop there. In Years 2+, we’ll continue to meet, at least quarterly, to stay ahead of whatever changes life throws at you. The most important part of financial planning is to keep doing it.
  4. You’ll have someone you trust in your corner. With Ongoing Financial Planning, you’re gaining a thinking partner for your money conversations. You’ll have a place to air your ideas, walk through what-if scenarios, and get outside perspective on financial decisions. In addition to the scheduled meetings, I’m available for impromptu chats when things pop up.

Ongoing Financial Planning costs $4,000 a year. If you want investment accounts managed, it’s $6,500. If you’re a medical resident or fellow, it’s $2,500.

Prices are per household and most clients split it up into monthly payments.

That’s it. Simple, transparent, and flat fees.

Option 2

One-Time Financial Plan

You’ve got financial questions. A One-Time Financial Plan answers them. Simple as that.

We cover all the nitty-gritty details of your financial life. Cash flow, investments, insurance, debt, education, and lots more. Have a unique situation that only applies to you? We’ll cover that, too.

Over five (maybe six) meetings, we’ll assess where you are right now, where you want to be in the future, and what concrete steps you need to take to get there.

Great for DIYers or folks looking for a second opinion, One-Time Plans are designed to give you an objective assessment of your current financial situation without the long-term commitment of Ongoing Planning.

Here’s the process we’ll follow to build your financial plan.

  1. We start with questions. Lots of them. Financial planning is all about aligning values, goals, and money. So we start there. Our first meeting is designed around questions that will help uncover the things that are most important to you and explore your thoughts on various money topics.
  2. Let’s get organized. I’m going to need you to gather some information. There’s no way around it. However, we can work through this together and use it as an opportunity to organize your current financial life.
  3. ”Where are you now?” Now that we’ve taken inventory of your assets and liabilities, we know our starting point. From here, we draft a good old-fashioned SWOT analysis. This exercise puts everyone on the same page.
  4. Explore what’s possible. This is the fun part! We know what’s important to you. We know what resources you have available. Now we can explore all the different paths you could take in life.
  5. Cash (flow) is king. Ignoring cash flow can wreck even the best designed financial plan. I help you develop and implement a system that automates fixed expenses and future savings, so that you can enjoy life today knowing that tomorrow is funded.
  6. Execute! Equipped with your new financial plan, you'll be ready to implement the new course we've decided on. I leave you with actionable to-dos and a priority list, so you'll know where to focus first.

A One-Time Financial Plan is $3,600.

No upsells. No gimmicks. Easy peasy.

Option 3

Quick Projects

Maybe you just have a couple questions about one-off things like maximizing your employee benefits, paying off student loans, or getting the right insurance in place. 

Quick Projects give you a chance to ask those questions and get unbiased answers at a lower price.

Quick Projects are focused and concise.

  1. Submit your information. You complete a quick online form that asks you about the specific questions you'd like to address. On this form, you can also upload any documents that we'll need to review.
  2. We meet via Zoom. Depending on the number of issues and questions you have, we'll meet either one or two times.
  3. We review, and then you implement. Following the final meeting, you will receive an overview of the project. It will include easy-to-understand analysis and actionable to-do items.

One Meeting projects address a single issue and cost $500.

Two Meetings projects cover two to three issues and cost $1,200.

Let's see if we're a good fit.

Contact me